
Perl programing language
Perl programing language

perl programing language

Similarly, VMware’s vSphere Perl SDK lets you manage VMware virtual machines in any situation.Net::Amazon::EC2 provides a Perl interface to Amazon’s Elastic Compute Cloud (AWS EC2) using EC2’s Query API.Likewise, Perl can be used to administer virtual machines running on either public or private clouds. #9 Managing Cloud VMs or Virtual Machines with Perl Perl supports Google Cloud Storage, as well.Third-party Perl tools also makes it possible to manage Azure Blob storage.Use Perl to interface with AWS S3 storage buckets.In fact, Perl can easily interface with all the major cloud providers to help you manage data:

perl programing language

Need to access data stored in a public cloud, but don’t want to use the cloud vendor’s proprietary CLI tools or Web interface? There’s a Perl utility for that. It may be a truism, but it’s also true: all organizations have either adopted the cloud, or are in the process of doing so. You can (arguably) accomplish these more easily with Perl even today: To prove the point, here’s a countdown of the top ten most common tasks that Perl is used for. Even in today’s cloud-centric age, Perl remains a highly valuable and versatile tool. It’s also useful in a variety of settings beyond just Unix/Linux. As I’ve come to realize in the years since I was a college student trying to reorder text files, Perl can do much more. If you browse through online forums, you’ll probably get the sense that even today Perl holds that same reputation in the eyes of many developers, which is an unfair characterization.

perl programing language

As a result, I came away with the impression that Perl was just for text manipulation, or writing system administration scripts in situations where Bash didn’t cut it. My first encounter with Perl gave me a false sense of its value since the professor taught Perl alongside other venerable Unix Command Line Interface (CLI) utilities like sed, awk, and grep, as just another way to manipulate text files. Sometimes that’s because the language is too widespread and therefore too costly to rewrite, and sometimes it’s because the language still offers the simplest way to accomplish a set of common tasks. Programming languages wax and wane, but they never truly disappear. In 2020, what are the tasks that Perl continues to be used for? Read on!

Perl programing language